Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Really Good Day

Quincey had a really good day today. She was up for 4 or 5 hours and she started therapy today. She was tired this evening but it was a good tired!

Quincey's upper arms are very strong. She will have two sessions of therapy tomorrow .... and so it begins! These will probably be the hardest workouts of her life but they are also gonna be the most important!

They had family visiting today and enjoyed the time with them. They are very glad to be back in Colorado.

They have met alot of families during their short time at Craig. Michele told me that she knows that God's timing is perfect and that they are where they are supposed to be at the time that they are supposed to be there! (What an amazing family they are....that's why we all love them!)

They have such amazing faith and knowledge that God is their rock and they can do all things through God! What a testimony!

"The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread?" Psalm 27:1

"Can anything ever seperate us from Christ's love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity...? No, despite all these things overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. ...Nothing can ever seperate us from his love. ... the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:35-39

"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" Psalm 8:1

Wishing safety, peace, and blessings for you all,



  1. Quincey,Michele & Shane:
    Glad to hear you are back in Colorado.Sounds like they are keeping you busy with Therapy. Each day will get better. Like they say one day at a time. When Bob was in the Hospital your Grandma kathy was his Angle that came to him. Ask her to tell you the story. We never know who god will send to us. Keep up the good work it will pay off. God Bless!
    Love Bob & Dianna

  2. Dearest Quincey, I would have written sooner but it appears I'm Blog challenged. Rikki had to help me set it up. We miss you so much, the office isn't the same. We're all so thankful you're finally in Denver. I know you've got some tough days ahead but I also know that you've never walked away from anything without giving it your all. Do you know there are literally thousands of people praying for you. When your challenge is extra hard or you're feeling down, just know that someone, somewhere is asking God to hold you, a little tighter, in the palm of his hand. Remember - Bear Strong. Love, Mrs. Cox

  3. Hello Shane, Michelle and Quincey,

    God is so Good. We love reading your blog and finding out the many things that we are all praising Him for in your recovery process.
    Psalm 103:1-6 reads...
    Bless the LORD, O my soul;
    And all that is within me,
    bless His holy name!
    Bless the LORD, O my soul,
    And forget not all His benefits:
    Who forgives all your iniquities,
    Who heals all your diseases,
    Who redeems your life from destruction,
    Who crowns you with lovingkindness
    and tender mercies,
    Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
    So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

    We know Quincey that your youth is already renewed, but the Amplified Bible says at that spot...That you would be strong, overcoming and soaring like the eagle.

    You are an overcomer! Bless the Lord that he is your healer and redeemer! We pray that tomorrow is your best day yet, as you start your 2 sessions of therapy.

    God bless you all!
    Pastor Mark and Tasha Bintliff

  4. Hi Quincey,
    I thought I'd drop you a line to say, "What's up"? I'm sure your kickin tail on the therapy. I hope your therapist can keep up. Just stop and wait for her if she falls to far behind. Just pretend like your taking a picture or something like that. I'm sure your folks are doing fine, tell them hi for me. I went by your house today,(the round-a-bout was backed up) and low & behold, there he was in all his glory, Howdy. (I think that was him, it was dark and my eyesight ain't what it used to be) He was propped up against a bush, upside down, all four feet in the air, holding up the sky I guess. I honked and he turned his head, broke wind, then back into his coma. I was thinking, "Is that your watch dog"? I'd sure hate to be a robber, scoping out your place and trip over him, falling into the bushes, you could get a sliver or something. Yeh, you guys can rest secure knowing he's watching the farm. I think I'll go to the pound and see if I can get you guys a poodle or maybe a bulldog or something. It just has to be warm to be a better watch dog than that K-9. I'm sorry Shane but that dog is done, stick a fork in him!!! But I'm sure your attached to him.

    Quincey we are still praying for your total restoration, and we are confident that God is working on your behalf. He has "good" in store for you, hang in there, and we'll see you soon.
    Ken & karen

  5. Hi All,

    Just wanted to say HI to all. We have heard some great reports this week and I hope most are accurate. I know some information gets lost in translation but the news has been good.

    We are so thankful that you all made it to Colorado. Isn't it great to hear news on a local television station? When you're out of state even the television seems different.

    Here's a prayer we want to share with the family~

    Lord Jesus, We lift up this family in your Holy name. We thank you for giving them the peace that only comes from above.

    Please Lord give them the strenghth to face each days circumstances. Thank you for the promise to be with us in all situations.

    We pray that you give Quincey added strength when she faces exhaustion. Revive her spiritually, mentally and physically.

    We put this family in your loving hands. Bless them heavenly Father. In your Holy name we pray. Amen

    Love to all,
    Miles & Teresa
