Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Good Evening

Hello everyone. I just talked to Kathy. Quincey had a good day today. She sat up today for 4 hours. She was able to wear shorts and a tshirt today. YAHOO!

Quincey will begin physical and occupational therapies tomorrow. She is probably anxious to get the workouts started...knowing Quincey the way everyone does! She has never shied away from hard work!

They are still really enjoying the comments everyone has been sending so lets keep it up until Quincey can start getting visitors or she comes home!

"But now take courage, says the Lord. Take courage....take courage all you people. Take courage and work, for I am with you, says the Lord Almighty. My spirit remains among do not be afraid." Haggai 2:4-5

"Faith is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot see. God gave his approval to people in days of old because of their faith." Hebrews 11:1-2

Tomorrow is going to be a long day for Shane, Michele and Quincey but I will update as soon as I know anything.

Peace and blessings to you all,



  1. Hard work smard work quints your as strong as an ox! ha ha ha LOL i know that was lame but hey oh well! So i just resently found a new favorit song...cheeseburger by veggi makes my day!LOL Ha so i am look for pictures for you to fung shu your room with and its been kinda fun with all the insides jokes and such! Well I love you and can't wait to come see you!

    "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." -Joshua 1:9

  2. Hey quincey!! im glad your back in colorado! ugh dude i miss you sooo much in history its not even pretty sure shaffer still hasnt cleaned out his stapler so now its got nasty hard jello all up in its self :P oh and katelyns little song she "found" was from me! lol i sing it in a germany-frech voice just gonna have to sing it for you when i come see you..and i hope i get to soon!!
    well you stay strong girly and your in my prayers always :]]

  3. Quincey-

    It's so great to hear that you are back in Colorado. I have heard absolutely inspiring stories from Craig Rehab center, sounds like your in the best place you can be. No matter where you are remember that until you take that first step again...God will carry you. Where there is Faith, there is Hope!!! God will always give you what you need when you need it...Keep the Faith.
    God Bless,

    Your Friends in Christ,

    Jim, Heidi, Haley, Hayden and Hunter Powers

  4. Hi Quincey,
    Glad you had a good day. I guess tomorrow your going thru some therapy stuff, that could be cool. I hope you don't embarrass yourself though!!
    Don't try to teach your teacher stuff, you know how they hate that. Just play along and do what they say. I heard your grandparents were coming over tomorrow too, so be careful that your grandpa doesn't embarrass you. He taught your Dad everything he knows.Ha Ha Ha
    I haven't talked to Jim since they got back so tell him Hi for me.

    If you get a chance read Acts 3, the whole chapter. I was reading that this morning and you came to my mind, (it's that very small nugget in my head......... I thought I'd say that so you didn't have to) it caused me to cry a little and I prayed for you.

    Quince we love you and are praying for you everyday. Tell your Dad Hi for me
    and thank him for not telling anybody in Florida that he knows me, we have to go there next month. I have nightmares that someone will ask me, "Hey, aren't you Shane's friend from Colorado"??? Then I would have to say, "Absolutely not" I have never heard of Shane Snyder or His wife Michelle and their four daughters, Lindsey, Quincey, MacKensey and Riley, who are they??? Do they have an old dog named Howdy. that is so "decrepit" (see below) that he can't even load up in the Ranger anymore....... they do?? No I have never heard of them"!!!
    Your Dad is going to kill me for poking so much fun @ him the last few weeks, but since we always made fun of him when he is here we shouldn't stop now !!!!

    de-crep-it, di-krep'-it a. [L. decrepitus maximus, broken down, worn out, "used way too much when new".
    de, from and crepare, to make a noise, hence originally noiseless]
    Broken down or weakened by loooong use and misuse; wasted or worn by the infirmities of old age. de-crep-itude, di-crep-i-tod" n. The state of being decrepit; weakened, as from the infirmities of age.

    I thought I'd throw in the definition of "decrepit" so you would know I was talking about Howdy and not Shane. By the way I hope Kathy knows to give Howdy his "Juice Plus," if he misses a dose it might be terminal for him.
    See you soon, Ken & Karen

  5. Hey - This song has been playing in my head all day, even in the midst of freshmen science! It is written and sung by Jon Foreman, (he writes songs for his band, Switchfoot). When Ty played at Music in the Rockies last summer, he got to meet him, hang out with him, and pick his brain for a while. He is one of the foremost songwriters in the world right now and God is really using him. Anyway, I thought I'd share this song that I love with you today. Keep leaning on Jesus. You and He are awesome together!!

    Heavenly Father
    You always amaze me
    Let Your kingdom come in my world
    And in my life

    Give me the food I need
    To live through today
    Forgive me as I forgive
    The people that wrong me

    Lead me far from temptation
    Deliver me from the evil one

    I look out the window
    The birds are composing
    Not a note is out of tune
    Or out of place

    I walk to the meadow
    And stare at the flowers
    Better dressed than any girl
    On her wedding day

    So why should I worry?
    Why do I freak out?
    God knows what I need
    You know what I need!

    Your love is
    Your love is
    Your love is strong

    The kingdom of the heavens
    Is now advancing
    Invade my heart
    Invade this broken town

    The kingdom of the heavens
    Is buried treasure
    Would you sell yourself
    To buy the one you've found

    Two things you told me
    That you are strong
    And you love me
    Yes, you love me

    Your love is
    Your love is
    Your love is strong
    Your love is
    Your love is
    Your love is strong

    Our God in Heaven
    Hallowed be Thy name
    Above all names
    Your kingdom come
    Your will be done
    On earth as it is in Heaven
    Give us, today, our daily bread
    Forgive us weary sinners
    Keep us far from our vices
    And deliver us from these prisons

  6. 1 Corinthians 3:8 Now he who plants and he who waters are the same, but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor.

    From what I have seen, Quincey, hard work has never been an issue for you! Go for it, Girl! Reach for the stars.... even if you have to build each step to get there!

    You are all in my prayers & I hope the younger kids get to visit you soon - 'that family thing' will help YOU ALL to get through this!

  7. Shane and Michele,
    As a parent is it so hard to see our child go through anything let alone something that we have no control over or to make it better or go away right away. But know that with prayer, prayer, and more prayer you are going to get her through this and you guys are going to be stronger for it. I know someday's it may feel hard and you feel like you just can't pray anymore but don't stop. He will get you through it. I know!! And when you see her walk out of that hospital you will know that God heard every prayer!

    Please let us know if you need anything, even if it is to take the little girls for the day to play with my kids!! 303-948-2104 Have Kathi call me if she needs help.

    Let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting Him...Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promise.

    ~ Hebrews 10:22-25, NLT

    Love the McGatlin's
    Bret, Tracy, Blake, Ella, and Kenzey

  8. Welcome back to the mountains! I read in the paper today that Denver's temperature yesterday was 45*F. You guys are just going from one tropical location to another! Today in Minot, it was -55*F! You guys are 80 degrees warmer than us!! I wish I was basking in the warmth with you guys!

    Jon and I and the fam (the Ramseys) back in Rifle are so thankful to hear that you are feeling better everyday! Lots of love from the snow people up north!

    Sarah Ramsey

  9. Just letting you know our prayers have been with you all. Shanon does have a home over there and the door is open for anyone to stay if needed to help with cost. you can reach him at 970-319-9617.

  10. Quincey,

    I hope you r doing well if you get discouraged remember God is with u LOVE BROOKE.


    We are all so proud of you. You are all in our daily thoughts and prayers. The girls have been praying for you at school and home, you have tons of support, even if we aren't there with you. We missed the three of you in Mexico, it just wasn't right or complete with out you guys. Keep your chin up and show that Snyder stubborness we know you have.

    Tonight Shaye said you could use her cast from when she broke her arm if that would help. i told her it might be a little small!

    We love all three of you, please let us know if you need anything on our end. Be proud that we finally figured out how to post a blog, Brooke had to help us!!

  11. hey batman. so my mom and i bought some under armor arm bands kinda like yours and nikkys but liler and we had a ten put on the back of it:) were gonna wear them every game! we just got them today and we play eagle valley tommarrow so im wayy pupmed to wear it!! i luv them so much lol its just a lil reminder that your still out there wit us. it makes me miss you even more every time i look at the bold white ten on the back. its crazy how much things changed wit out ya out there playing wit us. :/ but im glad to hear your doind so much better! sounds great girly!:)
    i miss ya so much! n luv ya

  12. this is gonna be a short message cuz.... well makayla already said everything i wanted to :) but ya the armbands are kind of .... AMAZING... i'm not gonna lie :) I'm so proud of you with how fast you're recovering! keep working hard and getting better. I love ya soooo much ( and miss ya soooo much ) <3!!!


  13. Great to read about your progress Quincey. The Lord has a plan and we pray He gives you strength in all of this. We'll miss you against EV Friday.

  14. Shane, Michele, and Quincey,

    We are so glad to hear that you are back "home" in Colorado!! We have been praying for your complete restoration Quincey and for strength and peace for you and your family. Your faith, determination, and your love and compassion for others in the middle of your own crisis is an inspiration to us all!! As we read Shari's comments each day, we are awed, but not too surprised, because that is who you are. The way Quincey softened the nurses heart in Miami, the compassion and concern that you have for the other family in crisis, the strength and determination that each of you show each day and your incredible faith in God, that is what makes up the Snyder family that we all know and love. That along with the love of your family and friends, is what will get you through the next steps ahead of you. We are sure the days ahead will be hard, tiring days, but with God's strength, our prayers and your determination, we know you will soar through them. We, along with the rest of Rifle, are here for you. Please let us know if you need anything.


    Tim, Lisa and Dakota

  15. quincey! you do not even know how happy everyone is to hear how well you are doing! anytime anyone mentions you lately we are all comforted by our faith that you will come out of this stronger than before you went in... "damaged ppl are dangerous because they know they can survive" we love you quincey and we can't wait to see you... uh.... if they every give the ok for visitors you're gonna have quite a few :) ive been praying for the continuing strength of you and your family come home to us soon! you gotta see my face before it heals hehe :) .... i got in a fight......with an eyebrow trimmer... hehe :) love you quincey!
