Monday, January 26, 2009

No Update but check out the poem!

Good evening friends! I have not been in touch with anyone this evening but I just found this poem today. It was written by my Great Aunt (Neva Johnson). It was on the back of her memorial service program. I think it is WONDERFUL and again caused me a WOW moment! Most of things my Aunt Neva wrote causes me WOW moments!!

A Care Prayer
written by Neva Johnson
I just want you to know that I care about you.
There's a prayer in my heart that won't leave.
As I ask God for so many blessings for you.
Ones only through Him you receive.
He may not always send sunshine to you,
But flowers won't bloom without rain,
And we know life's a mixture of numerous things:
Laughter, trials, teardrops and pain.
Yet the prayer that I pray will see you through,
Whatever comes your way.
For I ask God to always walk with you
Hand in hand each day.
I just wanted to share this poem with you all. Our God is awesome and will see us through whatever the trials!
I will post more as soon as I know anything.
Praying that God will walk with you each day,


  1. Hi guys -

    I hope your week is going well. I miss seeing your faces. Keep up the good work. Victory's coming! I'm praying for you all the time.

    "Jesus has you on His radar screen, and He will come just when you need Him. And He has no problem getting to you." - Tony Evans

    Lots of love - Deb

  2. Quincey!!! I miss you soooo much!!!!
    It sucks not talking to you for ever!! Its so different! Anywho i heard this song and totally thought of you! Love and Miss you Girl!

    Love, Jennay

    I'll Walk lyrics

    We were 18, it was prom night.
    We had our first big fight.
    She said "Pull this car over".
    I did and then I told her, "I don't know what you are crying for".
    I grabbed her hand, as she reached for the door.

    She said, I'll walk.
    Let go of my hand.
    Right now I'm hurt, and you don't understand.
    So just be quiet.
    And later we will talk.
    Just leave, don't worry.
    I'll walk.

    It was a dark night, a black dress.
    Driver never saw her, around the bend.
    I never will forget the call, or driving to the hospital
    when they said her legs still wouldn't move.
    I cried, when I walked into her room.

    She said, I'll walk.
    Please come and hold my hand.
    Right now I'm hurt, and I don't understand.
    Lets just be quiet, and later we can talk.
    Please stay, don't worry.
    I'll walk.

    I held her hand through everything.
    The weeks and months of therapy.
    And I held her hand and asked her, to be my bride.
    She's dreamed from a little girl, to have her daddy bring her down the isle.
    So from her wheelchair, she looks up to him and smiles.

    And says, I'll walk.
    Please hold my hand.
    I know that this will hurt, I know you understand.
    Please daddy don't cry.
    This is already hard.
    Let's go, don't worry.
    I'll walk.
    Bucky Covington

  3. Hi Quincey,
    Well, I finally got to see your Dad today. I really enjoyed talking to him, it's been a long time. I can't wait to see you and your Mom again. To hear about stuff. We got to see "the new truck", WOW what a nice ride!!
    I can't see you guys using that powder puff to feed with though. I still remember going with you guys to feed on Dry Hollow, Mackey was driving across that field like Jeff Gordon, (I think she was driving by the Force), Riley, jumping over the seats just like a little baboon,
    she looked like a ping pong ball and the seat was the net, you and your Dad cutting strings and Michelle....... of course, calling all the shots!
    It was snowing like crazy. Karen was taking pictures of the horses and the elk, and she got pictures of all you guys. Then of course, there was the King Pin, Howdy. He was running around trying to "mark" all the yellow spots he could before you guys finished and he had to go home to his own uneventful life. I'm sure his little bladder was very tired.

    That truck is way to purdy for you guys. After a couple of those big bales land on the bed rail and break it down, Your Dad will say, "Hey, I think we should get a flat bed". You should keep the Ole Ranger, you could drop a house on that wreak, nobody will know.

    I guess I better quit making fun of that old truck, I may need your Dad to bring it over and let me "test" some parts on it again, He won't let me forget that! Of all the trucks in Garfield County that need to be recycled, that Ranger is two of them!! Besides, I don't think Mr. Big could load up in the back of that new truck, it's too high for him. Pretty soon your Dad will have to start lifting him into the truck, you know how embarrassing that will be?

    I wonder if they have service dogs, for dogs?? You might see if there is a grant, or some assistance program to get Howdy some help with that. Maybe he could get a handicap parking badge for his mirror, so he could park closer to the house. Then your Dad won't have to carry him as far. Is he a veteran?? He's old enough to be General Robert E. Lee's scout dog. I've never heard of a dog on Medicare before.
    I saw a little doggie sweat shirt that says" My master is an honor student" I thought Shane would like that.

    Quincey I got to go, it's almost 8:00 PM and I need some rest. All this "dissin" your dog and your truck has made me very sleepy. You keep slugging away at the therapy and we'll keep praying that The King of the whole universe will give you a double portion of his love and grace. We'll keep lifting you up before our Lord, day and night, till we move Heaven on your behalf, cause we love you.
    Ken & Karen
