Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Quincey was moved to Craig Rehab Hospital in Englewood yesterday. The move went as well as could be expected. She was exhausted last night but in very good spirits.

I know that everyone is excited to see Quincey, Shane and Michele but visits to Craig right now are limited to immediate family only. I do not know when everyone will be able to visit but I will let the blog know as soon as I know anything!! (Quincey will be very very very busy with her therapy sessions and she will be exhausted.)

Everyone is excited to be "home" in Colorado and can not wait to start receiving cards and letters from you all. They still absolutely love to hear the comments that you all have been posting so please continue. They print them out every morning! I will continue the blog until Quincey is fully restored!

Here is Quincey's address at Craig:

Quincey Snyder
314A - 3W
Craig Hospital
3425 S. Clarkson Street
Englewood, CO 80113

They want to pass on their love and their appreciation for the prayers and good thoughts that have been sent their way.

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1

"The unfailing love of the Lord never ends...Great is his faithfulness. His mercies begin afresh each day." Lamentations 3:22, 23

God's blessings to each and every one of you,



  1. Welcome home, Snyder family, welcome home! I'm sure it feels great to be back in Colorado - a HUGE milestone in your recovery, Quincey.

    Although I haven't posted many comments, I've been checking the blog every day and following your progress. I'm sure you're looking forward to seeing all your friends. Just take it one day at a time, be patient, and work hard at your rehab, trusting that God will restore your body to perfect health in His timing.

    Meanwhile, know that you are being a true inspiration to many, many people. We love you. ~ Jenny D.

  2. Shane Michelle and Quincey,

    What great news!!!! We are so happy for you to be home in Colorado, and it won't be long before you are all the way home too. Our continued prayers are with you for a supernaturaly fast recovery. God's strength be with you in all of the days ahead! love to each one of you. Pastor Mark and Tasha Bintliff

    2 Cor 13:14 The grace (favor and spiritual blessing) of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the presence communion, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen (so be it).

  3. Yay! Quincey you have no idea how stoked i am right now! WOOHOO please let me know when we can come visit, cuz i know alot of us are eger to come i cant wait! LOL well i love you and am so proud of you! It is going to be long and challenging in reheb! Keep working hard just like you are! I love you!

  4. Welcome Home Quincey! The Bear Community is glad to have you back in the mountain state! I know these days will be challenging. One day at a time sister, one moment at a time. Rest in the Lord at all times, let Him carry you and sustain you. You don't have to be "strong" for anyone, because He will fill you with HIS strength and carry you on this journey. Know you are loved and held before the Throne of Grace by so many. The Rossilli Gang!

  5. Hey Guys!! We are so excited to have you back in Colorado. Quincey these next few weeks will tire you out, but it's a good tired!! Remember you will gain strength, movement and feeling the harder you push!! God will help just trust in the Lord!! I have never and will never give up in him or myself!! Please! Please! call with any questions at anytime about anything!! I love you guys and are very proud of all of you!! Don't ever ever give up!! Love James and Sally

  6. Well Quincey,
    Colorado might not be as warm as Miami but its much better. You are closer to all of us. I'll be in Denver next week at Stock Show and I know I will be thinking of you the whole time looking at all the hotties. haha. so we all decided not to start bonfires up again until you can come again and I discovered stuff about twinkies. Yuck. But so yummy roasted. I miss you so much and remember that pain is only weakness leaving your body.

  7. sorry bout all the snow quincey.. we couldn't stop it either... :/.... im so glad you and your mom and dad are back in Colorado tho!!! i can't wait to see you! we've been praying so hard for you and your family..and we miss you SOOOO much... stay strong chica.. although.. i know i don't have to tell you! I LOVE YOU! :)... ttyl chica

  8. Hi Quincey!
    So glad to hear that your back!! Heard the good news from your neighbor Phil A. today. I suppose your Dad tried packing the towels out of the hospital before he left. Did they check his luggage? I left an anonymous message @ the front desk to be sure and search his baggage. I can't wait to give your folks a hard time about being gone so long. I don't know how Howdy copes, not being able to go out to the ranch every morning and do whatever it is that he does there.

    I am amazed at how many people are praying for your healing. I meet people everyday that ask about you and how you're doing. I praise God for calling so many people to pray and hold you up. You must be a very "beloved" daughter of the Lord. I know we sure love you guys and can't wait to see God work a miracle thru you.

    We will stay in touch and we'll be praying for you
    Ken & Karen

  9. Hey Quincey, Michele and Shane,
    It is great to know you have made it to Colorado. Even though there is no distance in prayer, it strengthens my faith and hopefully yours to know you are closer to the time you can come home. The story in John 11 of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead keeps coming to mind. All that the people could see was that Lazarus was dead and if Jesus had been there He could have healed him. But our Father and His Son had another plan...John 11:40 Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?" Keep believing, keep trusting. GOD HAS A PLAN!! We can't see the big picture, but we are all standing in your corner cheering and praying for God to give you strength to endure until the time of full restoration. Strength physically, spiritually, emotionally and in every area that you need it at the time you need it and for as long as you need it.
    If there is anything we can do, please do not hesitate to contact us.
    We love you guys and look forward to the time we can pray with you personally.
    Love Galen and Sonya

  10. Quincey - You did it! You are back in CO. Hope that you have recovered from the trip. We know that the hard work begins now, but you can do it! You are strong and courageous - don't forget that. Keep your eyes on Jesus and keep calling on Him. He will not disappoint you. Can't wait to hear from your mom and dad.
    Love to you all. You are in our thoughts, our hearts and in our prayers. Skip and Suzanne

  11. Dear Quincey, Michele & Shane:

    We are thrilled to know that you are that much closer to home! Keep up the hard work, Quincey! We are confident in our healing Lord that He will restore you!

    Don't forget, we're just a stone's throw from Craig, so if you need a place to stay or a homecooked meal or anything, call us.

    Our love,

    Tony, Jennifer & Luke

  12. Quince!
    that is great that you are home!
    you have no idea how exciting it is to hear you keep getting stronger and better.
    but you have to let me know when we can all come see you!
    i love and miss you

  13. im so proud of you quinc!!! your absolutely in every way my hero!!!!
    your great girly!!!
    cant wait to come visit you!!!
    miss you!!
    lovers you quinc

  14. Quincey,
    I am so glad to have you back in Colorado!!
    We are praying for you.
    Melea Sheridan

  15. Dear Quincey, Michele and Shane:

    Our church, just down the road from Craig, has been praying over you as has my Mothers in Touch group. Everywhere people are lifting you up to our Heavenly Father. Tonight, I read this scripture I know He wants me to share with you. "I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit." Eph. 3:16


    Jennifer, Tony & Luke
