Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Texting at a Nuggets game?

Hi everyone! We are really trying to keep the blog updated - Michele even sent me a text from the Nuggets game! (It hadn't actually started yet, I don't think but....)

It was a great day today. Quincey was grinning ear to ear at the Nuggets game tonight!

Quincey continues to know God's promises for her life, her physical and spiritual, her future and eternity through Christ Jesus. She stands solid on them. She loves and appreciates all the support and prayer warriors out there. Not only for herself but her family as well.

Quincey's Uncle Trent sent a comment with a scripture on it. They requested that I put it on tonight so here it is. I am hoping that its Ephesians 3:20. If this isn't the correct scripture, Trent or Michele, please let me know.

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us..." Ephesians 3:20 (NIV)

God's blessings to you all,



  1. Quincey,
    What is this about a nuggets game? Are we over there just jacking around now? You've been faking it haven't you? You better keep working out, cause the next time I see you, I'm going to club you both; just for me being mislead through this ordeal. Just kid'in that is so neat that your going to get out to the game, ENJOY" you both need that and the hospital probably needs that!

    Quinc, it sounds like everything is going well, eating, getting stronger, more feeling and movement, miracles are happening every day and that's what we're praying for, so we know prayers are being answered. I'm proud of you buddy! Keep your chin up!

    Also, remember this, the higher they buck is just a little too low for you, Quinc.

    Peace Out to you and mom!
    I learned that from Shaye the other day.

    Your Proud,
    Uncle Trent

  2. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening great day all the way around, i have to agree with Trent miracles are happening everyday and our prayers are being answered as well.. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time with mom last night it was the best therapy for the day.. To laugh and have fun with mom is always the best..To see and hear you both smiling and laughing is always good.. It is another beautiful day in Colorado a little cloudy but feels like spring is coming but of course we still need to get a couple more snow storms before it gets nice just because.. I have to take Crysta to the doctor today she ended up with Pinkeye I think.. But I did you a favor the other night there was this guy walking down the road very not good and I told Crysta just for Quin there is your man I think I about wrecked the truck from laughing so hard because then Devon and Brian and Jimmy chimmed in like always and the look on her face was priceless I'm sorry you missed it so that's one pay back for you kiddo.. Have an awsome day!! The weekend is coming agian already YA YA!! GOD BLESS YOU AND YOU FAMILY..

  3. Hey Guys,

    This was in an email I got yesterday.

    Be the kind of woman
    that when your feet hit
    the floor each morning
    the devil says,
    "Oh Crap, She's up!"

    It cracked me up, I had to pass it on to you.

    Love Ya!

  4. Hi Buddy!
    I love that Teresa!!! And, oh yes, the devil is saying that every step of the way about you buddy!! He is so sorry he ever messed with you and this family/friends. If he only knew, he would have left you alone at the beginning!

    So, how was the big game? I sure thought we would see you screaming and yelling and making a fool of yourself, but no such luck! I have to say, that is the first Nuggets game I have ever watched! I am looking forward to the WNBA games I am going to be watching - except, I will be there in person, and yes, I will be the one you hear screaming and yelling and making a fool of myself!!! But, it is all for you!! Ha, ha!

    Mariah is at Winter Youth Camp tonight, tomorrow and Saturday and she wanted me to tell you she says hi and that she would love for you to go with her to the next camp if you wanted to. We are really enjoying our CFD in the morning, and it is a great way to get us all woke up and celebrating your healing!! I usually scream (I know that is hard for you to believe) "Quincey is healed and coming home soon!" and the girls just laugh as I try to catch them. I always wonder if the neighbors have caught on to watch us around 8AM every morning acting goofy? Oh well, they would too if they knew what we knew!! AND, they will know about it as soon as that phone call comes in - I guarantee it!!

    Well, I need to get ready for my circuit class tomorrow but I just want you to know that I love you so much and am so proud of you and your additude. There is so much for all of us to learn from you! I can't wait to see you again. You are our "WALKING MIRACLE!!" Lots of love to you and your mom,
    Aunt Tara
