Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Hello everyone! I am again asking for your forgiveness. I received an email from Quincey and Michele on Sunday (Easter) and due to several different circumstances, I am just now updating. I am so so sorry.

Lyndsey and Dylan were there last week to visit. It was a boost of energy to have them there. They were able to see Quincey do her thing in the pool and filmed it all underwater!! It was very cool! They were also able to see Quincey get all of the way up in the standing frame! Now here is the cool thing.........she was able to go from a sitting position to standing - twice! The first time required more assistance than the second! The second time she popped right up with those strong legs of hers, straightened that back, pulled back those shoulders, put her head high and put on a smile that lit up the room! It was a beautiful moment and she is a beautiful young woman. Her therapist said "You are my hero today!" With emotion and tears that possibly only someone who has lived this could understand. They also have this on video and they can't wait to share it! She was also asked to with an inservice for the therapists Thursday morning (this morning as its 1:30 am) and will be showing that same exact thing to them! YOU GO QUINCEY!!

They will be coming home soon! Its a good time of year for new beginnings. God has started a great work in Quincey and He has promised in his word to finish it. Life and Wholeness...complete restoration. "We know with confident expectation it will be nothing less and probably more than we could ever hope for. Praise the Lord. "

As this email was sent to me on Easter Sunday, this is how Quincey and Michele closed the email. "Remember the sacrifice on this beautiful Easter Sunday. He paid for it all over 2000 years ago on that cross."

In Him,


PS....WE FINALLY GOT INTO OUR HOME!!! Almost a week now and I feel more discombobulated than ever!!!


  1. Hi Quincey!
    The day is rapidly approaching that you will be released and sent home.
    You remember where that is right?? It's that little, well manicured dwelling, nestled on the western slope of the Colorado Rockies, in the bustling, neatly accented chalet, overflowing with Old World charm, known as Rifle, Co. Still having trouble remembering?? OK, it's that small, dusty, hole in the wall, ex drilling boomtown, that recently fell on hard times. Your house is south of the industrial center, above the ditch, you can't miss it, there's an old, rotting, dog cadaver in the front yard. Remember now ?? Just kidding, it's not that dusty.

    Before I forget, (which happens way to often) glad you're in your new house Shari, don't worry, that discombobulation could last up to 30 years or more, just go with it. I've been discombobulated since high school.

    Quincey it's going to be great to see you, that is if you're still talking to me after all the grief I've given you and your mother. Your dad forgave me. He said if I would leave him alone and concentrate on you and your mom, he'd be OK with it. When I see Howdy again I promise, on my honor, I'll pet him and be nice, OK, I'll pet him
    then. We are still praying for you, for total restoration, and we believe God will hear all the prayers that have been offered up on your behalf. He is ALWAYS true to His word, so hang in there, and we will see you soon.

    If your reading this Slim, we'll see you as well, I'm sort of dreading it,
    don't know what to expect. I'm sure I have a tongue lashing coming
    and I'm sure I deserve it, but go easy on me, I'm "special".

    Love all you guys and can't wait to see you
    Ken & Karen

  2. Hi Quincey & Michele - It sounds like there are daily improvemnts happening in your life. Keep giving ground for God to show his mighty power.
    We are being Right Wing Extremist Radicals (according to Homeland Security) because we attended the Tea Party in Glenwood yesterday. An orderly crowd with many signs about our tax money being spend wrong and too much debt for generaations to come.
    Skip did some seed planting with Greg Foraker last week.
    We got 3 inches of snow overnight, but today there is some sunshine to melt that.
    We here that Denver and area is to get a huge snow storm tonight. Welcome to late winter.
    Keep up the good work.
    We serve a risen Savior!
    Love & {{{hugs}}},
    Skip and Suzanne

  3. Well I know I've called and text you both daily but I needed to blog you today as well and after reading your newest update, Well , honestly I had to cry a little bit.. I think I'm getting weak I've cried more this year than I think I have my whole life.. Has to be the depression or the meds, either way Could just be life... But God heals everyone and you are living proof of this we had no doughts... I'm glad you had a wonderful weekend and was glad the family was with you... I wish I could talk to you guys more but I truelly do know how bussy life has been keeping you all... So you will be home so very soon, to you it is not soon enough, It will be nice to see your smiling faces back at home, and so no-one has to drive that trip to Denver to see you all, Not that I'm complaining or anything but you know I hate the cities, To much pollution and noise for me.. Plus I really worry about Shane on that hy-way, But I'm a worrier and you know that as well.. The weather here is windy and cold today, they say there is a big storm headed for Denver supposedly 3ft for the mountians we will see if that happens but please be careful coming home.. We would love to know what day you will be headed this way, If Michele or you could call us we would really love to hear from you!!! If there is anything you need or want please don't hesitate to ask we will see what we can do... Love always Shurre & Family

    P.S. Shari glad you are finally in your new home!!!! I hope you enjoy it.....

  4. "Quincey Snyder Strong!" Love ya quince! prom eh eh?? :) miss you. and i love you girly! :D

  5. Hi Guys,

    We have been hearing such amazing things.
    Quincey, you are our little show-off!!! Keep it up!!!

    Sounds like the next big step is coming soon. We know you probably have mixed emotions, but everyone her is anxious to see you.

    Here are a couple of very encouraging verses for the whole family.

    "...Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
    Joshua 1:9

    "For this God is our God for ever
    and ever;
    he will be our guide even to
    the end."
    Psalm 48:14

    We love you all,
    Miles & Teresa

  6. That eh kid...way to show them what your made of! I love you and i am so proud of you! i can't wait to see you.Prom is calling your name to go with us! Hope to see you soon and can't wait to see this video! I love you !
