Friday, May 1, 2009

Update from 4/28!

Okay, okay, okay. I am apologizing one more time. I really am gonna get my act together and get this blog updated as soon as I get the emails. Life gets faster and faster and I seem to be getting slower and slower. Again, I am so sorry! I got this email from Michele on the 28th.

Well, this time I need to ask for forgiveness....its been a week since I have been in touch with Shari to update the blog. Now that we have our first week under our belts it is our intention to update everyone three or four times a week.

Quincey had an incredible first week home. Gods favor was experienced in each day from the very smallest of details to the big one. The outpouring of help and offers to help have been humbling. We did not know how many cared so much for Quincey...AMAZING! We have had a constant support system. Food brought to our home, people coming to our home to pray with us, help and encouragement with Mackenzey and Reiley, success finding the right doctors and physical therapists, equipment and facilities available for Quincey's use. So many offers to bring groceries, watch the little girls, help with Quincey and help with repairs around the house. Friends, family and people we had never met loving on us, offering us a heart of compassion, and caring enough to see that the needs are met. We are so BLESSED!

Miss Quince is getting stronger by the day. Her attitude is nothing but positive and her smile rarely leaves her face...except when she is sleeping and she has really enjoyed doing that in her own bed. There is truly nothing like the comfort of home. Prom was last weekend and she went to the after prom party. She had so much fun hanging out and laughing with friends. How cool is that! She was also blessed this week with a new touch screen phone. Needless to say it is a good thing we have the unlimited texting package. She is constantly catching up with everyone and loving every minute of it. Plus, it is great therapy for the thumbs and pointer fingers!

We will keep you all posted on her restoration. It is amazing to have front row seats to God's graces, mercies and super natural healing. "What is impossible with man, is possible with God." Luke 18:27

"So faith comes by hearing, and what is heard comes by the preaching of Christ." Romans 10:17

With humble hearts,

The Snyder Family


  1. Good day Snyder team, Michelle it was so nice to see your beutiful face with quincey driving down the road the other day! Quincey please keep herassing my children they are loving it and it keeps them smiling and on there toes, thank you for that!!! We have been wanting to come see you so bad but we have been kinda jammed up as usual... With me finding dead people and my grandpa passing on and then we had to go and get sick agian all this cold and flu stuff going around we don't want to give you and your family any of it... Please know we are praying for you every day and we are thinking about you and how hard you and your family are still working... Shane, Mac, Rye we sure miss seeing you all as well.. We are so glad you are home and in your own bed, Nothing like home... Keep giving mom and tara a hard time, it keeps them smilin as well... we send our love and prayers to all!!! Hope to see you soon!! Love shurre and family

  2. Hey Quince,
    You are never far away in our thoughts. I keep asking everyone I see for updates, I hope you keep posting all of your achievements.
    I would love to stop by and see you some time, so let us know, through the blog if the timing is any better now. I sure do miss you and hope that I get to see you soon.
    Much love and prayers,
    Dianne and Craig Boe

  3. Hey Snyder family!
    Hope all is well and that you are busy facing the daily challenges and opportunities that are presenting after Quincey's return to home. Just wanted to check in and remind you that the prayer support is still here.
