Monday, January 5, 2009

A Message from Michele and Quincey

Hello. I spoke to Michele this afternoon (around 2 pm - sorry its taken me so long to get this posted).

Quincey had an emotional and challenging morning BUT Quincey got through it with her usual
determination. There are gonna be days that are harder than others but by the same token there are gonna be days that are gonna be AWESOME!!

Quincey felt more touch sensations today on her arms and legs whereas she had been feeling pressure before. 80% of the time today she was able to identify exactly where she was being touched! YAHOO!

They met a family at the hospital that their son was on his honeymoon in Mexico and on December 2nd, on the same exact beach he suffered the same exact injury as Quincey. Quincey asked that I mention them in the blog. She is requesting prayers for their family as well. Their names are Alfred and Michelle, Michele does not know their last name but God does.
I have a message from Quincey herself...."I'll be in Colorado soon. Keep praying for total restoration and keep blogging. I love the messages and scriptures!"

Tonight the scripture is from Quincey. They have been reading the bible and pick a scripture for the day. I can not think of a better scripture to put on the blog this evening than the one that is sustaining our friends in Florida!

"...let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12:1

What an amazing young woman and family!

God's love, peace and blessings to you all,



  1. QUINCEY!!!
    That is AWESOME!!!
    we cant wait for you to come!
    im still praying kid.
    and as excited as you are to hear from people we are just as excited to hear about you getting better.
    love ya girly.

  2. Quincey,
    I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for your full recovery.
    God Bless!
    Jana Price (your 8th Grade LA teacher at RMS)

  3. We're thinking about you at the District Office. You're one tough cookie and I know you're going to come through this with flying colors! Keep working and keep believing cuz we sure believe in U!

    Come home soon!

    Theresa Hamilton

  4. Quincey,

    You are a champion and a WARRIOR! You are in our thoughts and prayers. A few quotes for you to think about...

    “If what you did yesterday seems big, you haven't done anything today.”
    “No one has ever drowned in sweat.”
    -Lou Holtz
    “But I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, his greatest fulfillment of all he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious.” -Vince Lombardi

    God bless you and your family!
    John, Kelli, & Kids

  5. Hey Quincey, Shane & Michele,
    We are praying for each of you daily and stand in agreement with you all for a complete restoration for Quincey. Keep fighting and believing. It is the Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead and that same Holy Spirit dwells in you and will bring you the healing power of Jesus, as you receive it.

    "And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you." Romans 8:11

    We pray that the Holy Spirit will flood your room and your body to encourage and strengthen you until the Holy Spirit brings healing and restoration. His timing is perfect. He's never early and never late. For His Name to be Glorified! We love you and know you will persevere.

    Love, Galen and Sonya

  6. hey quincey poo!
    i'm sooo glad to hear that you were able to do soo good today with the touch sensation thing.
    i am soo proud of you.
    keep working hard.
    can't wait till you come home.
    colorado has your name written all over it!
    and i will try my hardest to have a fun day at school tomorrow. it's definately going to suck not having you text me in the middle of chemistry or while i'm at lunch and you are having your phone in p.e.
    i love you soooo much my dear!
    i love you more than a fat kid loves cake!

    Hello missy! it's nean! i don't even know what to say. You and your family have become so special to our family and i feel very blessed that God brought all of us together! My thoughts and prayers are with you ALWAYS. Michelle, your faith has always amazed me and I have always found comfort in our friendship. I hope that you will find the same comfort at this time. You're a very special woman of great strength ( i see where your daughter gets it!)I'm thinking of you always and looking forward to hugs for both of you when you return to Colorado.
    love, danean

    it's jaylee. just thought that i would tell you that i love you soooo much dude.
    and i thought that i would tell you that i am still getting xm radio.
    I GOT A NEW CHANNEL. it's the R&B!!!!
    and the nascar channel. can't wait for you to tune in and listen with me!
    Be strong and get well. my prayers are with you!

    it's jori again. i'll talk to you soon my love!
    you're are my hero in so many ways. and i thank God for our friendship and that he brought our families together. i feel part of yours and i hope that you will always feel that you are a part of mine!

  7. QUINCEY! YEAH that you could pinpoint where they were touching you! When Lauren told me this morning that your back was broken, I was shocked! Honey...I am so grateful to God that you are on the road to recovery.

    Here is something that happened to a friend of mine, when we were freshmen in HS. Her name is Tina. She was out BMX riding. She jumped a little hill, flipped and landed on her back. She shattered her C5, cracked the C4 & C6's. The friend she was riding with, Angelo, had to leave her there, and go get help. They med-evaced her to St. Mary's.

    The doctors told her family that she'd never walk again and she'd be lucky to have use of her arms. She said "YOU ARE WRONG." Through spiritual, mental, physical and family strength, she got use of her arms. She went to physical therapy every minute that she could. It hurt unlike anything she'd ever known.

    Slowly, through sheer will...medical assistance from a huge brace and various walkers...Tina began to walk. Her junior & senior years, she was back on the basketball court. She got full ride scholarships to TWO colleges. She graduated 3rd in our class.

    Quincey...even before this accident, you reminded me so much of Tina. You and she share the same determination, stubbornness and love for life.

    God won't give you more than you can handle. Sometimes He trusts us way more than we think He should...but He knows more than we do about where our lives are going.

    If you need anything...if your parents need anything...if there's anything we can do from here...please don't hesitate to ask.

    We love ya very much. My prayers are with you all hun...and Alfred's family now as well.

    God bless. Lisa

  8. Hey Quincey!
    Just want you to know you're in our thoughts and prayers. We are looking forward to seeing you here in the big CO. Keep up the good work and the rest will take care of itself.
    Your friends,
    Caleigh, Liesa, and Scott Smith

  9. Hey. You all have been in our thoughts and prayers. We know you'll be home soon. Love you all!
    Betty Jo and Brandon
    "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are acheiving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary. But what is unseen is eternal."
    II Corinthians 3:16-18

  10. Hi Quincey,

    We think about you all day and dream of you during the night!!! We have been praying for your piece of mind and strength for you body! We believe in you and what you can accomplish! You will get throught this and walk out of that hospital!!! If you need anything, please let us know!! We are praying for you!

    We love you!!!!!

  11. Quincey, Mom and Dad,
    I love you guys, I hope you come home soon.
    Quince I'm praying for you,
    Love Rei

  12. Quincey,Mommy & Daddy,
    I love you and I miss you and i can't wait till you guys come home and I am praying for all of you and know that God has already healed her and know that Grandma and Rei and me are all having fun, but we still miss you guys and we are going to do lots of crafts and hopefully send one to you guys.

    Love you guys lots & lots,
    Doodle Bug
    P.S. Dad " OUT"


  13. Wednesday, January 7, 2009
    I took care of Sammy and Ace for Quincey's Aunt while they were all in Mexico. When she told me what happened I thought how I wished would have known so I could have prayed right after it happened.
    I later told my husband about the accident and he said "Pastor Dave mentioned this in bible study on Sunday." I missed it because I left the building for part of the study. Then a prayer request went out for all the prayer warriors for Fellowship of the Rockies and it has been confirmed that Quincey is part of Sammy and Ace's family.
    I am praying for Quincey and her family, I personally know what you are going thru right now, and I pray that you don't give up. God has a plan, sometimes we don't always understand it but we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
    There are people pulling for you that you may never know, these people are lifting you and your family up in prayer.
    Take care and I love you guys, Jennifer Shepherd from Pride Rock Kennel
