Friday, January 9, 2009


I received a message from Michele today (I gotta remember to take my cell phone off of vibe!!)

Quincey is hoping that the Rifle Lady Bears put the boots to the Palisade Bulldogs tonight. She can't wait to be back in action with her fellow Bears. I know we can't wait for that day as well.

Quincey had a good day today, her appetite is good, there were no breathing issues and her blood pressure seems to be stabilized today as well.

The verse that Michele, Shane and Quincey requested to be on the blog is as follows...."What is impossible with men is possible with God." Luke 18:27

They are still hoping to be moving Quincey to Craig Rehabilitation Hospital in Denver soon. They are so anxious to be back in Colorado.

Quincey wants everyone to know how much she loves you and misses you. Please keep sending comments - Shane and Michele read them to her everyday.

Wishing God's blessings for you all,


"Wait for the Lord; Be strong, and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord." Psalm 27:14


  1. Your strength, faith, determination and optimism will bring you to Colorado in no time! Our thoughts and prayers for your successful recovery and your parents' continued strength.

  2. Yeahhhhhhhh It was an awesome game! Here's a picture of the score board. I HOPE it'll work. Folks will need to copy & paste the http stuff into their browser to see the pic...I HOPE IT'LL WORK!!

    And the Boys Varsity won by 4 points as well! I don't have a picture of that score board though!

    Quincey, you were on the minds and in the hearts of most every fan there. Several folks were talking about you, saying how well you were doing, that they wish only the best for you, and that they can't wait to see you home!

    God bless hun...God bless. Lisa

  3. heyy!!! we won!!!! 35 65!cort was leading scorer wit the big 22 points!!! she sure shot alot of 3s for ya. so you kno how you and nicky wore the arm bands? well im gonna get one like you two and put a number ten on it like nicky did! this season is dedicated to you! oh i just want you to know that you left your chapstick wit Chev and she put her hand in wit your chapstick in her hand and we all yelled team just before leaving the locker room :) i really missed ya out there tonight! ill let ya kno how we do 2marrow also k girly.
    miss ya and luv ya

  4. I forgot to I sat there watching this game, all I could think of was, "I wish there was a live radio feed so Quincey & all the Snyder's could hear this game at least."

    If it wouldn't be too much excitement, and the doctors say it's alright, I would be happy to call the hospital or one of your cell phones, or whatever, during the next game, and do a play by play, or pass the phone around and let anyone talk with you. It's up to you and whatever the doc's say. My cell phone # is 970-618-1603. Just let me know okay? If you can't or don't want to, that's problem. But if you'd like to, it would be no problem at all. ;)

    Much love & continued prayers always~Lisa

  5. Hey girly....Tilly and i drove down and watched the game and the girls played really well together, but it was werid not seeing you out there....but i know you will be out there soon enough. when you get to craig i am coming to see you.... Its going to be like national skip school day...ha ha ha. Well shafer almost made us eat the 3 day old jello which would have been so sick! But i got a picture for you to see! I love you girly and keep getting strong, I am still praying and thinking about you!

  6. Hey Quincey
    I was thinking about a time when I picked Taylor up at the Petersons. You and several other boys were there with Hogan. I believe you were in kindergarten. You all had your swords and shirts off--true warriors. Every time I think of that it makes me laugh. Unleash that inner-warrior, Girl. We are praying for your complete recovery. Come back to Colorado soon!
    The Walters-Roger, Christy, Taylor and Elly

  7. hey, Gald to hear you are getting better. we will have to come see you when you get to Denver. Keep a positive atitude and faith. With your strong personality we know you will have a full recovery.

    The Cooley Family

  8. Hi Quincey,
    We're so glad to hear your feeling better. That is an answer to prayer.
    I hope you get to feeling MUCH better REAL soon, so you can get back to Colorado. If you don't hurry and get your Dad back here, he's going to get used to sitting in those hospital chairs, watching Jerry Springer and ordering the nurses around. He won't be able to hold a full time job anymore, you don't want that on your conscience do you??? (I thought not)

    We have been praying for you many times a day. Something always reminds me to pray. The other day a women came in with her teenage daughter. That girl was sooooo belligerent to her mother I thought I would choke her!!! (No, that girl did not remind me of you)
    Her mother reminded me of Michelle. We will continue to pray for total restoration and we will see it!!! You hurry and get well and come back home. Your Dad's well being may depend on it!!

    Buy for now Ken & Karen

  9. hey quincey! heard about our lady bears kickin butt at the game! hey... im so happy to hear you're doing so well.. and like katelyn said when you go to CRC you're gonna have a lot of visitors :) woo. cuz we miss our quince! very mucho. its way different with you.. not a good different either! well. ill ttyl chica. i love you! and your family and im praying for all of you!!!

  10. Shane, Michele, Quincey and all,
    I've just heard about your accident and that you've been moved to Craig Rehab Center today. Our daughter, Cate McGraw has worked there as a nurse on the floor you are probably on and I've asked her to check in with you and give you all a BIG hug from me. Cate must have graduated right before Lyndsey swam at GSHS. I have a bracelet that Cate gave me called the broken man/whole man bracelet, a Craig Hospital symbol and I will wear it to remind myself to pray for you unceasingly. God is Good, all the time and He is WITH you every moment. I pray for strenth and courage for each of you and believe that God will heal Quincey in His time:) Love to each of you and in Him, Patty & Pete, too:)
