Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Quincey's Journey

Yesterday 12/30/08, we all received the news that Quincey was injured while on a family vacation in Mexico.

The word that we received was that she had injured C4, C5, and C6. Initial reports were that C4 was fractured, C5 was shattered and C6 was fractured.

Quincey was transported to Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida last night. Michele was able to go with her and Shane followed today. After examination in Miami, it was determined that Quincey's C6 vertebra was not fractured as initially thought. Praise the Lord!

Quincey had surgery today beginning at 11:26 am(Colorado time) and we recently received the news that she is now out of surgery. The C5 vertebra was successfully removed and that there was no spinal cord sheath damage.

For those of you who pray, the prayer request is for Quincey's restoration (therefore, that is what I named the blog), strength for Michele and Shane, wisdom and guidance for the medical staff who is involved with Quincey's road to recovery.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path." Proverbs 3:5&6

Please keep checking this blog and I will update upon receiving any new information.


  1. Hey Quinc! The Team is praying consistantly for you!! We love you so much! :)Stay strong girl! You'll make it through this! Love you and miss you Rae and The Team :)

  2. Hey quincey babe. goodness do i miss you. i really wish that i could be there with you to hold your hand through all of this. sorry that i can't. i'm praying for you constantyly sweetie. you are the world to me and i hate to see you in pain. but i got my "team snyder" shirt on and i wear it to bed every night after i pray. it keeps me going strong, because i know you are the strongest person i know and it helps me to be as strong as you. i also got mufassa (the lion you got me) to sleep with and keep me company. i love you so much and i can't wait to talk to you. i better be the first. you silly goose! =)
    i love you all. michelle, shane, ry ty, doodle bug, and lindsey. my prayers are with you. talk to you soon!
    love you bud!

  3. Hey my Quincey-kins! I miss you kid! I have been worried sick about you and I'm so glad to hear your doing better!!!! I can't wait to see you out on that basketball court shining like a star!!! Just think, this is just a speed bump in your epic journey!! You'll make it through this stronger than before! your gonna be great! You know, usually I'm the one breaking stuff and injuring myself! Ha Ha I'm not thinking I like this change Quince....its scary!! : ) Anyways the whole family is praying for ya darlin (even Kellin! crazy I know! : ) ) But stay strong babe I know you will be brilliant! Love ya and praying for ya!

  4. Quincey, Grandma LUV's you,
    With God, Mom, Dad, and your Sisters and family and friends. just know we can all WALK this journey together.
    I'm so prod of you and the strength I've gained from you in every area of my life.
    The very first time I held you in my arms I knew you were a fighter and the love you have for God is shining through everyone you have come in contact with. I can't tell you how many friends and people have called on your behalf and are praying for my Quince.
    GOD Bless you and remember Grandma Kathy is right there with you.

  5. Quincey we are all pulling and praying for you. Trust in the Lord and Be Not Afraid.

    The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth and with my song will I praise him. Psalms 28:7

    Our prayers are with you Chris, Chasity, Morgan,Rachael, and Madison Carter

  6. Quincey your in my prayers and in all our hearts out here in California We love you! Stay tough my Harley buddy so we can take our ride and get kicked off the lake again by "old birddog"
    Love ya lots
    Uncle nelly

  7. Michelle, Shane & Quincey. Our prayers are with you - and know you will pull through all of this - God bless all of you - Know how tough it is, but hang in there - God never gives us more than we can handle - although it sure seems like it at times - Love to all
    Paul & Carla

  8. Quincey, We're praying for you. Many years ago I was thrown off a horse, injured my spine, and wondered whether my body would ever be the same again. But our God is an Awesome God, the Almighty Healer - you're going to be just fine. Keep smiling! Love, Jenny (and Mick)
