Thursday, February 12, 2009

Good Evening!

Good evening all my fellow Quincey fans! I received a message from Michele this evening. (Guess I didn't get to my cell phone fast enough....this bronchitis is sure slowin me down...not that I was ever as fast or as strong as Quincey.....)

Quincey has had more great days! She started water therapy today and LOVED IT! She had a full day of classes today. She also was on the "therapy" bike again today. They increased the resistance on it and she kicked tail! There were a couple of people on the bikes next to her (a 22 year old and another 17 year old) and she whipped up on em! (You go Quincey!)

She maintains her great and positive attitude! She's working hard at this marathon that's been placed in her path. Every day is a step closer to the finish line. She's keepin her eye on the prize!

Quincey looks forward to hearing from her friends and family. She is anxiously awaiting the time when her therapy schedule will allow her friends to visit. That time is getting closer but right now her focus has to be therapy and her complete restoration. I will keep you posted as to when she can have visitors!

The scripture that was requested by Quincey and Michele this evening is as follows:

"When the sun was setting, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying his hands on each one, he healed them." Luke 4:40

As I was looking up the scripture above, I found the one below. Made me remember what a powerful God we have.

"He who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals his thoughts to man, he who turns dawn to darkness, and treads the high places of the earth - the Lord God Almighty is his name." Amos 4:13

Blessings to you all,



  1. First off Shari I hope you get to feeling better the crud has been going around and everyone has been passing it.. We thank you very much for taking your time out to keep up with the blog, but I also notice what time you have been doing it.. Please get some sleep and stay strong for your family as well please..Hope all is going well with your husband and kids, you are in all our prayers as well.. How is the house coming I hope good, PLEASE GET WELL SOON AND GOD BLESS!! THANK YOU SHURRE

  2. Hey Quincey And Michelle, Was just wanting to say hello.. Your in the water now.. You are working so hard..Keep up the good work..I'm at work and really bord but I don't have much to tell you today, was just sitting here wishing I was there with you and was thinking I could come work out with you instead of sitting here staring at this wall.. Oh well will talk to you and mom soon..Hugs and kisses love you bunches Shurre

  3. Hi Quincey,
    I was reading the scriptures that everyone posted and thought, what an awesome God we serve. He can heal, He can create, He can forgive our sins, and He looks good in a long robe! He's definitely "the fairest of ten thousand" And you know what, it's His will that you have the greatest life. Hold fast to your faith, for it has great recompense of reward. God is going to do something wonderful with you. I am anxiously waiting to see what He does, of course my prayer is that He totally restores you but you know, He may do better than that. He may do more than restore, He may make you better, and stronger and more than a conqueror through Him. May God Almighty
    be praised through your life.

    I like to read your uncle Trent's stuff. He's always talking about a "run away" I think he needs to start riding more docile horses, ones that don't run away all the time. Maybe we should get him a horse that is more like Howdy. You don't have to worry about Howdy running anywhere. If he was a horse you could give him to Trent, you could "regift him" I hear people do that. They get a gift, use it a little, (or a lot) then wrap it back up and give it to someone else, see if he
    had any more run aways on that nag!! I'm sorry I couldn't help my self, I had to dig the Wonder Dog a little. Tell your uncle Trent hi for me when you see him again. Tell your Mom hi too, I hope she doesn't read these E-mails, these are addressed to Quincy!!! I might decide to pick on her sometime, (hi Michelle)
    We love you Quincey, we pray for you every day. If you decide to walk back to Rifle, call me and I'll meet you up on the pass and I'll walk 10 or 15 miles with you. I'm sure someone in the news media
    would want to cover that story, "RIFLE WOMAN SUFFERS DEVASTATING ACCIDENT, VOWS TO WALK ALL THE WAY BACK TO RIFLE" stay tuned, news @ 5:00 (might be a story there, but don't invite that knuckle head dog, he'll just slow us down) bye.........
    Ken & Karen

  4. Hi Quincey - Happy Valentines Day! And I know that it will be a happy day for you with all the improvements that you have been making. We had a good talk with your dad on Wednesday and he caught us up on your progress. We are so happy for you and we give God the glory for what he is doing for you. We also know that we need to pray that the enemy needs to keep his distance and I encourage you to say out loud the name of Jesus. The enemy hates that name and he can't stay around when some one talks about Jesus. Keep up the good work and we will keep getting progress reports from your dad. Have a great weekend. Love, Suzanne and Skip
